Saturday, 4 July 2009

Man Boobs Can Be Very Embarrassing

How to get rid of those manboobs? Getting changed in the male changing room at your local gym and it's that time to take off your t-shirt. You don't want to but it's normal in order for you to go for a shower. As soon as you take off your top some guys start giggling, others hold their laughter in and some just stare. You know who you are, you suffer from Gynecomastia (aka Manboobs), the development of abnormally large mammary glands in males resulting in breast enlargement, which can sometimes cause secretion of milk.

You face this problem day in day out. Being a male is all about having a firm masculine chest, and here you are with Manboobs suffering from this humiliating problem.

The information in this lens will hopefully help sufferers get help on How To Get Rid Of Manboobs, The Natural Way. There are solutions available, if we understand how to solve the problem.

How To Get Rid of Manboobs

Start looking after your health?

There are various ways you can try to get rid of your Manboobs. Here are some of the simple things you can change from today.

Manboobs (Male Gynecomastia) can be caused by a bad diet and weight gain. Start eating a low fat, high fibre and low sugar diet rich in vegetables and drink more water. What you are trying to do is reduce fat deposits in your chest area.

Start cardio exercise. You need to try and burn more body fat. Running, Skipping, Cross trainer, cycling or playing any sport that requires consistent levels of movement i.e. Soccer. Any cardiovascular exercise helps burn calories and fat levels.

One good Manboob exercise is push ups. Repeated push ups will help to reduce the appearance of manboobs and tone up the entire upper body and shoulders at the same time. The great thing about push ups is you don't need any equipment and it can be done anywhere.

Bench presses can also be quite effective to lose chest fat and reduce Manboobs. Working the pectoral muscles will help tone and define your chest.

You have Male Breasts.

Now change your Diet.

By changing your diet you will see a change in the size of your male breasts. Take a look at the following points to get rid of your manboobs naturally;

- Do you consume lots of Soya products? Soya milk, Soya beans or Soya Fillers? Soya products tend to contain a lot of plant estrogen which can cause enlarged man boobs.

- Lose fat. Obesity can cause higher levels of estrogen which leads to man boobs. Men tend to store fat in their upper bodies so it is worth changing your diet.

- Avoid empty calorie, fatty & fast foods. Severely cut back on the burgers, sodas and start eating more fresh foods and lean meat. Cut back on the red meat and look for vegetarian options. Start eating healthy fish options or fresh vegetables.

- Do you tend to eat heavy in the evening and have the coffee and donuts in the morning. Stop! Eat more small healthy meals throughout the day. Feeding your body with healthy foods and snacks throughout the day increases your metabolism. When that happens you naturally burn more fat.

- Start eating more low Glycemic Index carbohydrates. Do a search on google on low GI cabs and you will get a comprehensive listing.

- Avoid diet beverages. They have negative health effects and can even increase your appetite most of the times for wrong type of foods

- How much water do you drink? Though so, not much! Drink plenty of water. Flush out the toxins in your body and speed up metabolism and fat loss.

- Start drinking Green tea. Again speeds up your metabolism.
- Cut down on the alcohol and marijuana. Monitor the units you drink. Excessive drinking and smoking causes male breasts.

- Increase your testosterone levels naturally by eating vegetables such as Broccoli, Cauliflower, Brussel Sprouts, Cabbage, Collard Greens, Radishes and Turnips just to name a few.

Gynecomastia (Manboob) Treatments

Your Options

For sufferers of Gynecomastia (Manboobs), diet and exercise alone may not help. Unfortunately their Manboobs may be due to hormonal problems which lead to an imbalance in the breast tissue. This imbalance causes the tissue to reproduce and man boobs are created. Sometimes Manboobs are caused by certain medications.

Some people decide to go for surgery. This method is a fast and in most cases permanent way to reduce manboobs. Surgery will involve mammoplasty, liposuction or skin sculpture. In some cases it will require all three surgical methods.

Pills, Medication
Certain medication may help in reducing manboobs if your problem is hormonal. Some males can get a boost of testosterone which helps reduce or permanently get rid of manboobs. There are options available.

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